School Shop
Lord Milner school is justifiable proud of its School uniform and Lord Milner students, therefor, are expected to conform to our dress code. A student’s appearance is a direct reflection on Lord Milner School.
School uniforms promote discipline, equality and a feeling of community.
We therefore, for the past 10 years operate a fully stocked uniform shop on the School’s premises for you and your child’s convenience.
The uniform for Lord Milner School from grade R to grade 7 is a mix of royal blue, navy and camel / khaki. A full step-out uniform with blue blazer, striped tie and long grey pants is compulsory on all step-out days and going home on compulsory out weekends as well as when they return, formal occasions and assembly on Fridays. (grade 1 to grade 7)
Our grade R children wear a mix and match of navy boxer shorts, royal blue golf shirt and/or track suit during winter.
Our sport attire is completely new and eye catching.
The School uniform shop is operated by Mr Henry Batt (011 730 0111) or schoolshop@lordmilner.co.za and is physically open Monday to Friday from 08h00 to 12h00.
The shop will also open on the day boarder’s return from School holidays between 13h00 and 17h00.
For your ease of shopping we have a system in place whereby you order uniform via email
. Purchases can only be made by EFT or cash.
We currently do not have card swipe facilities
Access the updated uniform price list from our web site www.lordmilner.co.za
Or request uniform price list via email from schoolshop@lordmilner.co.za
Mark the required uniform you need and email back to school shop together with proof of payment using your child’s name and surname as reference
The Shop bank account is different from the school account :
ACC NO: 62020506070
We will then fit the child with the correct size uniform.